I was of course smitten, Peake's work is in a class of it's own as regards the power and intensity of his vision, he was one of those people who was incapable of being anything else other than an artist. And his artistry extended to painting, poetry and writing, he was driven by an almost demonic urge to share his visions of dark and brooding worlds and the strange inhabitants that he conjured from the depths of his soul.

His literary tour de force The Gormenghast Trilogy still remains one of the most intense and absorbing epics of fantasy literature, rivalling in it's epic scope Tolkein's Lord of the Rings trilogy with which it is often compared. But while Tolkein's concept is far stronger than the writing that delivers it (i.m.o.). Peake's vision sears it's way into your subconscious by the strength of his

The first book "Titus Groan" had the endorsement of none other than Graham Greene and the publisher who read it over a weekend (he can't have managed much else over that time), decided to put it into print as soon as was feasible. The book was published by Eyre and Spottiswood in 1946, to much critical acclaim and has remained in print along with "Gormenghast" and "Titus Alone" ever since.

The artworks that I'm going to run past you as an example of Peake's mastery of storytelling are from the 1943 edition of "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner". The book was published in 1943, when paper shortages were such that the publisher advised Peake to start saving old tickets and

Further information on this brilliant and fascinating man can be found at the Mervyn Peake website
A great talent whose life was sadly cut short. He was equally talented as author, poet and artist. I might have mentioned his story "Same Time, Same Place" which I believe may be the most disturbing story ever written. I can't find it on the web but it's in his book Boy in Darkness and Other Stories, which is on Amazon. So there's another excuse to get the credit card out :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to check that one out now Dave, thanks for the tip.
ReplyDeleteBTW there's also three very good bios in print at the moment: "Mervyn Peake - The Man and his Art", "Vast Alchemies" and "Two Lives" as well as his wife Maeve Gilmore's compelling and very touching portrait of her husband; "A World Away - A Memoir of Mervyn Peake", which is out of print but obtainable if you do a little bit of searching out.