Here's the initial scribble that I did, really just concentrating on the monsters whilst establishing those all important perspective lines via the rain drops, I know I did a separate drawing for the figures but it has got lost somewhere in cyberspace b

There was another job I did for a New York ad agency earlier in the year, where again extreme perspective was called for. Here's my original pencil scamp followed by the Photoshopped tonal visual I presented to the client and here's the finished artwork. I wanted a really gritty feel to this thing and opted for a hand drawn approach which would capture the essence of my original pencil drawing and again Manga Studio (which retails for about £30.00 introductory version) came to the rescue. The art director's only request was could I make the walls further apart, I did and he came back with an even further apart request.

My sympathies were entirely with the jumper...

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