Well apart from endeavouring to chase up a putative job or three in what I've got to reluctantly admit is the worst downturn in illustration commissions I have ever experienced, yesterday was spent refining the artwork for the Dungeon of Death promo cover.
This involved opening up the sketch (that I'd finessed in Manga Studio - as I'm sure you recall) in Adobe Illustrator. Pen tool set to 0.75 pt line weight colour setting CMYK with all colours set to 100% to create a true black, which won't occur if you use the default setting of 100% K as the CMY elements are still set to 0% and your linework will look washed out as a consequence.
So start banging in the line work plus some assorted bats - very important all good dungeons need swarms of bats and this one is no exception.
Then think about looking at the Cloud 109 logo which has been bugging me now for weeks as I think the one I've got at the moment isn't quite working - too 80's darling.
So we end up with something looking like this, at which point the artwork is then shunted off to our colouring department - that's me again ready for all the magic colours to be added again in Illustrator.

More soon...
stunning work and I like the turquoise/blue logo, can't wait to see this colored up too.