His story was shaped by an over riding ambition to create the sort of art that fuelled his dreams, when as a teenager he was working at Ward and Copley producing airbrushed art work of pots and pans for catalogue producers when photography was still sufficiently hit and miss to require copious amounts of air brush retouching if you wanted accurate representations of the contents of the 1930's home. Better therefore not to bother with photography at all and just airbrush all the domestic bric a brac in the first place.
No time wasted retouching, no expenditure on unusable photos - just hand the whole job over to a graphics studio and let them sort it.
Little wonder then that the fifteen year old Denis McLoughlin would skip lunch to wander through Manchester's bustling streets to one of the few outlets that sold these exotic magazines called pulps all the way from the U.S.
So here's one such magazine illustration by Rafael De La Soto and here is Denis's reworking of it some years later - perhaps not his finest ever artwork but fascinating none the less.
Plus some more Mac goodies including a super Buffalo Bill dps and some really vivid use of two colors on another Buffalo Bill artwork.

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