OK! OK! I know that postings on this blog have been a bit erratic as of late but counsel for the defense would like to advance the thesis that your old blogmeister has been trying to maintain his illustration practice whilst also working on the book that has been bubbling away for a year or so, namely the definitive look at the life and work of Denis McLoughlin whose 'noir's style cover art has attracted devotees and collectors on both sides of the Atlantic.

The book The Art of Denis McLoughlin to be published next Spring, is written by Denis McLoughlin's good friend and biographer David Ashford as well as containing an account of the artist's life, art and influences written by Denis McLoughlin himself. The book will feature reproductions from the surviving original artwork, "pulls" in high quality print, never before seen photos chronicling the artist's life and page after page of some of the most stunning artwork ever to see print in the 20th century.
So here's some teaser spreads and the current promo that will be going out on the latest Book Palace catalogue.
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