Tuesday 17 May 2011

Illustrator Art in Five Easy Pieces

Here's one of the many images I am currently churning out for a series of educational books. As I've mentioned before my chosen software these days is Adobe Illustrator. I love the restrictions it places on me and with all art if you can wrestle with the restrictions and use them as a form of creative stimuli you find yourself really having fun with your work.

And bottom line is that you need to have fun to have any chance of coming up with worthwhile solutions to a client's brief.

So here's the image in each of it's layers.

All five of them...


  1. Really good stuff! Don't have the time to experiment with illustrator (as I have become a slave to photoshop) but, really good stuff. Thanks for letting us look up your skirt!

  2. Hi Cornell and many thanks for the kind words, but I only wear a skirt at weekends, I'm more of a denim jeans gal weekdays.

    For lovers of erotic art I would strongly recommend a visit to Cornell's memorable blog Urban Jointz:


    The spirit of Eric Stanton lives on!
