We've been running news and covers of
Commando, the UK's longest running pocket war comic as it celebrates it's 50th birthday. The actual date of the first ever appearance of
Commando was the 27th July 1961, when
Walk or Die and
They Called Him Coward first appeared with covers by Ken Barr, signalling a new and more much US Pulp styled approach top pocket library covers.
So this coming Monday is the old guy's birthday and along with the non alcoholic celebrations that will enliven the
Commando HQ in Dundee's Albert Square, there s a special of the comic (No 4404) going under the title of The Misfit Squad which has been specially written for this momentous occasion and long time Commando afficionados will have a lot of fun spotting some of the more cyptic references contained within the story.

Commando's excellent series of early and key issue reprints continues and amongst the latest eight issues to appear is the reprint of
The Ship They Couldn't Sink, which for all those sad anoraks like me, I'm also including a scan of the original cover.
And if that isn't enough reason to get excited there is also an upcoming exhibition at The National Army Museum featuring 70 of the very best Commando covers spanning it's 50 year run commencing on September the 1st. A book featuring
50 of the best Commando covers will be published in October.
Commando No 4399
The mighty German battle-cruiser lay silent in the Atlantic fog, waiting, her guns loaded and ready. And straight into this trap a convoy of heavily-laden merchant ships was sailing.

On a radar screen the German Captain watched its progress with a grim smile. He was master of their fate and would spare not a single ship.
But there was a gleam of hope for the convoy — the gleam of the golden badge of the Royal Navy aboard one ship — a tiny ship. But crammed with British fighting courage…
Story: Gray
Inside Art: Ros
Cover Art: Ken Barr

Introduction By Calum Laird, Commando Editor
Ken Barr’s dramatic cover showing a German bomber exploding in mid-air might make you wonder if this really is a sea story, but rest assured that it is. You can almost smell the salt as HMS Sniper smashes her way through the waves to meet her destiny.
The combination of Gray’s dark story, with the equally dark artwork supplied by Ros, results in a naval adventure par excellence. Right up until the end, you have no idea how the tale will play out for the gallant Royal Naval heroes who have not exactly seen eye-to-eye throughout.
With crackling action like this, it’s little wonder that Commando became such a hit in the early 60s…I’m just sorry I was slightly too young to read it at the time. I’m glad to have caught up with it now and I’m sure you will be too.
The Ship They Couldn’t Sink, originally Commando No 7 (September 1961), re-issued as No 2571 (June 1992)
Commando 4400

Everyone knew Ted Whitmore was yellow. Everything he did proved it. He even got himself and his men captured and put in a prison cage.
But then things began to happen — things that made his men stare in amazement and the enemy run for their lives!
Story: Cyril Walker
Inside Art: Gordon Livingstone
Cover Art: Gordon Livingstone
Introduction by George Low, former Commando Editor
A coward turns hero in grand style, facing up to the Afrika Korps in the desert against a backdrop of Roman legions from centuries before. It’s helped a lot by the fact that it’s a 1971 double whammy…inside artwork and cover by Gordon Livingstone, one of our legendary artists.
Gordon still has nightmares when he remembers the hundreds of charging desert horsemen he has been “asked” to draw over the years. The script by Cyril Walker is pretty good too, but we expected that of Cyril.

Escape!, originally Commando No 589 (October 1971), re-issued as No 1683 ( March 1983)
Commando No 4401
League Of Nations
During the three-year Korean War, a host of different nationalities were brought together to fight together under the United Nations flag. Generally they put their differences aside and did just that.
But one group of men thrown together by the conflict didn’t look likely to be able to get along at all…even though their lives depended on it.
Story: Mac MacDonald
Inside Art: Carlos Pino

Cover Art: Carlos Pino
Commando No 4402
A squad of British Royal Engineers are dropped behind the lines to halt German demolition work in occupied Italy. Unfortunately, they end up miles from their target, deep in the rugged mountains of Calabria.
To make matters worse, there’s a Waffen SS unit on their tail — and they’re caught in a violent feud between two warring Italian mountain clans!
The Italians will have put all their differences aside to fight alongside the British against the common enemy…but can they?
Story: Alan Hebden
Inside Art: Olivera
Cover Art: Janek Matysiak
This is one of our digital covers, no pen, ink, paper or paint involved.
Commando 4403
The Defector? — Which side is he on?
Lieutenant Levka Kosilev was a man of principle, a man who would repay a debt of honour. The Russian officer had only survived the dark days of World War II thanks to the actions of a brave American corporal and his squad. He knew how much he owed them.

Some years later Levka — now an observer with the forces of the North during the Korean War — expectedly found himself in a position to settle the debt. To do so, however, he would have to defect. Could he do it?
Story: Freg Handley
Inside Art: Keith Page
Cover Art: Keith Page
Commando 4404
Misfit Squad
Dave, Brian, Pete and Sid were undoubtedly the worst soldiers their C.O. had ever come across. He doubted they would ever get through their basic training. But Sergeant Rod Black thought differently, he could see something in the four that no one else could.
And one night in June some 50 years ago he and his misfit squad got the chance to prove him right…or wrong!
Story: Mac MacDonald
Inside Art: Carlos Pino
Cover Art: Carlos Pino

Introduction to the 5oth birthday edition
Lots of things have changed over the last 50 years...the Berlin wall has risen and fallen, the moon now has bootprints on it and the internet has changed the world in a way that could not have been foreseen in June 1961.
But amongst all these changes, some things have remained unaltered. Take Commando for instance - it's still packed with action and adventure, everyman heroes and villains, and the best comic art still resides on and between its covers.
To celebrate our 50 years, a special story has been written. And it's got all those qualities that make Commando something special.
This is that story and the whole Commando team, past, present and future, hopes that you'll enjoy it as much as No1 was enjoyed in June 1961.
Commando 4405
A Stirling Called Satan
It was dead unlucky, that Stirling bomber. Flying low it would catch most of the flak, flying high it was certain to be pounced on by enemy fighters. Every time the crew set off on another mission they wondered if it was going to be their last. Even its number, five-three-five, added up to thirteen…
Story: R.A. Montague
Inside Art: Mira
Cover Art: Keith Walker

Introduction by Mike Stirling, Beano Editor
To pick my favourite issue was a challenging mission, because I’ve enjoyed several lengthy engagements with Commando over the years. I’ve chosen A Stirling Called Satan for several reasons. Most importantly, I remember first encountering it in 1988.
I was fourteen, at secondary school and my favourite subject was history. I loved reading too, so Commando was a natural choice after moving on from The Beano and Roy of the Rovers. Imagine how excited I was when I saw my name on the cover — even if it was connected with Satan himself!
I was so captivated by idea that there was a plane called the “Stirling” that I actually bought, and built, a model kit version. Well, actually two versions; my first attempt at painting it was a disaster.
The story is classic Commando; ordinary guys doing extraordinary things. I always tried to imagine what I’d do in similar situations. I never ran away, but it’s easy to be brave in your imagination. There is a freaky superstitious undertone too — nothing is predictable in a Commando story.
I still enjoy Commando today, even amongst all the fabulous publications I’m privileged to read as part of my job. It just goes to prove that Commando’s brand of action and adventure resonates across ages.
A Stirling Called Satan, originally Commando No 869 (September 1974), re-issued as No 2159 (February 1988)
Commando 4406
Heads You Win Can’t Lose

When Ned Dolan flicked a penny in the air and David Bradford called tails, it looked as though he had signed his own death warrant — for the loser was to become bait for a deadly German sniper. And Dolan had never — but never — lost a toss with this special penny.
Story: Cyril Walker
Inside Art: J. Fuente
Cover Art: Penalva
Introduction by Calum Laird, Commando Editor
Re-reading this book after so many years, I began to think that I had chosen the wrong book. Sure, Penalva’s cracking cover with its crazy viewpoint was as I remembered it, but I didn’t recall the armoured cars. Then the jeeps arrived and I knew all was well. I even remembered the balloon which began, “fellow footsloggers of the humble infantry…” and the huge fist fight that followed.
In fact, the punch-ups are almost the signature of Snr Fuente’s inside artwork. He puts so much action and movement into them that they don’t seem like static pictures at all. Later I would work with author Cyril Walker’s material, something I’m sure I acquired a taste for in this tale of double-dealing and double-crossing.
Tails You Win Can’t Lose, originally Commando No 368 (November 1968), re-issued as No 1091 (January 1977).
All images © DC Thomson 2011