The good news is that the response has been even better than our most optimistic projections, although as a team we have all been pretty cautious in our expectations. Launching a new publication is fraught with difficulty and even keeping our origination costs as low as possible, the financial gamble involved is still considerable. So, caution has been our watchword.
However, I am pleased to say that issue 1 has been selling very well and recent publicity on Leif Peng's excellent Today's Inspiration website has garnered a lot of response as well as a distribution deal for the US and Canada with Bud Plant.
So as issue 2 is currently being PDF'd ready to send to our printer, let's have a look at some of the spreads and features from issue 2, which has a major feature on Carol Day artist David Wright as well as a fascinating look at the life and work of historical illustrator Cecil Doughty written by David Ashford and an equally revealing look at the exquisite wild-life artistry of Raymond Sheppard written by Norman Boyd. The issue is rounded up with a look over the shoulder of John Watkiss as he works up a typically virtuosic concept painting for the US hit TV show The Walking Dead as well as some mouthwatering examples of the work of the Italian illustrator Renato Fratini with an accompanying text penned for us with characteristic passion and insight by David Roach.